martes, 22 de mayo de 2018


22 de mayo de 2018 - Prensa ISW

Fecha del evento: 
17 de octubre de 2018

El Instituto para el Estudio de la Guerra (ISW) se enorgullece de copatrocinar el Simposio de Amenazas Asimétricas 2018 que se celebrará el 17 de octubre de 2018 en Valo Park en McLean, Virginia. El simposio 2018 será el 11 ° en la serie de eventos. El informe del simposio del año pasado ("¿Qué se necesita para proteger a Estados Unidos? Combatir las amenazas globales asimétricas") ahora está disponible en .


The Asymmetric Threat symposium series is a non-partisan, not-for-profit, pro-bono forum for furthering the national dialogue on asymmetric threats to national security. These threats span domains, involve a growing range of state and non-state actors, and employ diverse means from terrorism to cyber aggression to nuclear proliferation. Does the United States have the technologies, processes, and systems in place to actively respond to these threats? And, with asymmetric threats increasingly targeting the private sector, how can government partner with industry to forge a new direction? The series is designed to promote dialogue on critical national security issues, focusing on ideas, events, and technologies that drive the evolution of strategic thought and practice.

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